Welcome to Room 8 - 2015

Welcome to Room 8 - 2015

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Room 8 ~ 2017

We are a cheerful class full of superhero learners. 
Our special super power is our brain!!

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Week Two

Oscar's Movie about our classroom

Oscar is getting very good at speaking English and he has learnt some new English words to use in our classroom.

Year 2 P.E.

Year 2 P.E. Our first session together. from Karen Blau on Vimeo.

Buddy class collaborative activity

Here are some photos of our hearts that we created as a buddy group.
This weeks buddy group were Room 7
We love working with the year 5's and 6's.

We are drawing and tracing our hearts

Buddy Class with Room 7 - Friday 12th February from Karen Blau on Vimeo.

Week Two

Week two saw us learning and practising new routines. 

We have worked on finishing our vivid and dye Rainbow Fish. Which we are looking forward to cutting out and hanging them up in our classroom. 

We also came up with different ways to describe the Rainbow Fish's behaviour
 these included... 
mean, nasty, horrid, awful, 
unkind, terrible and horrible. 

Thank goodness the Rainbow Fish saw the error  of his ways and changed his behaviour, so that other fish would want to be his friend. 

We also learnt to define the meaning of 3 words in our story of the Rainbow Fish.
Advice is to give someone your idea or knowledge.
Discover is to find something out.
Emerged is to come out from somewhere.